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Helo LX is the future of wearable technology

The Backstory... Wearable Technology is vastly becoming a household trend, with brands like Fitbit, Apple, Samsung and Garmin now being sold in virtually every major store in the world. But there’s a new kid on the block, and Fox News says the Helo will be one of the top 5 technology products to dominate in 2017. This is no exaggeration, because what these companies started as a fad with minimal benefits, Helo is now innovating into a true game-changer in wellness and self-care monitoring. I remember when being able to count my steps each day was a new thrill, but after experiencing the Helo in action for myself, counting steps seems like more of a toy then a technology. And the device alone is only part of the innovation. Helo has now introduced the very 1st wearable technology APP STORE! With hundreds of apps being developed, from early flu detection to ovulation notification, the possibilities are endless. With hundreds of 3rd party developers creating cutting edge apps, the potential for the Helo device has only just begun. With features like blood pressure trends, and EKG/ECG heart checks, combined with remote family monitoring, automatic emergency notification with GPS and even a manual panic alert button, the next generation in wearable technology is here. Dr. Oz recently said that the future breakthroughs in health care are not a new drug or new supplement, the future of selfcare will be wearable technology, and he was absolutely right, and the Helo is leading the charge. With soon to be released features like non-invasive blood sugar estimation, blood alcohol measurements, organ analysis, and even a built in electronic mosquito repellant, the Helo is far ahead of the rest when it comes to valuable innovation that makes a real difference in people’s lives. And let’s revisit the family monitoring feature called “The Guardian”. Imagine being able to open the app on your phone, anywhere in the world, and check in on your loved ones. You can see how well they are sleeping, what their moods have been in, their energy levels throughout the day, their blood pressure, heart rate, activity levels, not to mention the soon to be released features like blood sugar estimation. And that’s not all. Not only can you manually check in on your loved ones in real time, but you can also set the Guardian feature to alert you automatically if any of your loved one’s wellness trends go too high or too low. This feature even includes an instant text message and email that includes the exact location of your loved one in that moment. And the price? Only $319 for one device, and a huge FREE HELO bonus for those wanting to buy a family pack. Not only is it competitively priced (many top shelf products range from $250 to $350 with no comparison when it comes to their features) BUT Helo even offers a built in referral program for all of its customers!! THAT’S RIGHT!! Wear it, share it, and GET PAID! Don’t worry, when people see you checking your blood pressure trends or running a heart check from your wrist, THEY WILL ASK! And with the simple 2 minute video that explains everything, all you have to do is share your free website and get paid every time one of your friends buys online. If you’re ready to join the Helo wellness movement, you can buy the Helo directly from their site as well. Again, to learn more or to buy now, CLICK HERE to visit Bryan Kentner, DPM personal website.


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