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Showing posts from May 7, 2017

How self-monitoring is aiding healthcare

The self-monitoring trend has exploded with many new gadgets - but what are the health benefits, if any? Judging from the many news stories, it seems we are getting serious about self-monitoring, and tracking everything from what we eat, to how active and happy we are. Self-monitoring is where individuals use intelligent tools like Helo LX with it's mobile app to collect, process and display a wealth of personal data to help them monitor and manage all aspects of their personal health. More self-monitoring devices, more people using them Spurred by new technology, an increasing number of people are using personal gadgets to monitor their own fitness and health in order to improve well being and personal efficiency. Consumer technology has now advanced to the point of being small and accurate enough that today we have apps and devices that tell us things almost instantly that before you could only discover from a doctor in a hospital running lengthy tests. According to ...

How I decided Helo Lx was not a scam...

Why Helo LX? That's what I asked myself after being introduced to the Helo LX bracelet... So here are my thoughts... My name is Bryan Kentner, DPM.  I'm a podiatrist, and as such I work with a large population of seniors.  My goal has always to keep my patients healthy, active and to allow them to remain independent for as long as possible. Many of my seniors live on their own, which sometimes cause an issue with their children.  In my practice, I would recommend Life alert type products to help alleviate some of these concerns.  The product required a 3 year contract, and had a $50 monthly fee...  and lacked some features I wanted... Along comes Helo LX...  At first glance, I wrote it off as a MLM scam fitbit with an SOS feature, marketing monitoring features that couldn't be real.  I researched the device, and what the sensors could, and could not do, expecting satisfaction that my first impression was indeed correct. However, I found...