I was given a Helo to play with from a friend. It wasn't the new Lx, but the older version. I have been on the fence about jumping in, as I don't know how to feel about multi level marketing. I also was able to borrow an older model for my own perusal to evaluate.. and found it to be relatively accurate with my blood pressure assessments. It was only off 2-5 points when compared to the supermarket machine, So it did pass my inspection. During the past month, I had been researching the product and technology, as I believe the features truly would be helpful to many of my patients. I set up a free account with Helo, to get a view of the company from the inside. The product I like... and the company, seems like it is going through growing pains, but it is growing its support and infrastructure... Also, I have had people placed under me by my sponsor and above... Very positive outcome, as I tried one other MLM before, one I had to buy a ...
The next generation wearable tech that can monitor your health and well being, but affordable if you stay away from Helo! Message me for more info!